Thursday, January 24, 2013

I have a real interview date!

Yesterday, I got a wonderful email telling me that my CBYX interview is in Harrisburg on the 9th. I'm so excited! Plus, I scheduled my Speedwell interview (it's on Super Bowl Sunday)! I'm so excited for both of them!

I've already chosen my CBYX interview outfit, I think: black leggings, a pretty light blue skirt, and a dark blue blouse. I'll probably wear a headband, some unique piece of jewelry, basic earrings, and dark flats. It'll be unique, but not too too formal.

Now, I'm preparing by practicing interview questions. Of course, I don't know exactly what questions I'll be asked, but I have a general idea of the kinds of questions I'll be asked. I'm not trying to prepare for every question I'll be asked - I'm just trying to get a general idea of what sort of answers I'm going to give.

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